Monday, February 28, 2011

Ants on Turf

This is my brain child.  I'm so proud!  I was dunking some celery into a brand new vat of peanut butter, and simultaneously thinking about how my bland rice cakes could benefit from a thick coat of PB.  Then I thought about how combining all of that with some raisins would be pretty satisfying.  Ants on a log meets boring rice cakes!  It's pretty nummy, easy, and healthy.  I've lost my marbles and can't find the raisins that I JUST bought, but dried cranberries worked just well.  If you like ants on a log and don't want to eat too much celery in order to be satisfied, you'll probably liked this.

Necessary ingredients
Rice cakes
Peanut butter
Raisins or dried cranberries

The procedure is simple.
Slather peanut butter on the rice cake.
Thinly slice the celery and arrange it on top of the rice cake.
Sprinkle raisins or dried cranberries on top.

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